LEGO Ideas Studio: Space

This is a book I picked up at a discount store called Ollie’s (good stuff cheap). Not something I would have normally purchased (especially at full price).

LEGO Space Ideas Book Cover
LEGO Spce Ideas Book back cover

Honestly, even at only $10 I had to give it some thought before buying it. But the book inside is what finally got me to purchase it.

The book has about 80 pages worth of awesome space ideas you can build with your own LEGO bricks. The remaining pages in the book are blank, lined, and graph paper so you can put down your own ideas with the enclosed pen and pencil set.

DK Books LEGO Space

No ‘real’ LEGO elements are included with this one (hence my hesitation to buy it). You get LEGO branded gel pen, pencil, sharpener, a pen/pencil topper, and an eraser.

LEGO  Pen and Pencil set

When the eraser is gone you get a 2×2 round brick for your troubles. It is glued in place but I found the eraser peels away easily and without leaving anything behind. So yay one brick! I like that the eraser looks like a UFO. You could use it in your MOC too, if you wanted too.

UFO over my  LEGO house

I don’t think I knew that the game figs came in classic space. This is a fun idea to make them space ships!

LEGO Police Helicopter Polybag 30367

Picked up this little set the other day. While I feel LEGO has done the helicopter and car sets to death, this isn’t a bad little set.

Only 39 parts but for the most part they are just standard pieces to make up the helicopter. Unlike those larger sets with all the specialized bits.

The minifure is pretty nice. Although I don’t see him being much use outside a police force.

The 1×2 cheese slope is printed which is always nice. The cockpit/windshield also makes a nice little waterfall.

I can see this little set patrolling above any LEGO city. At only $4 worth grabbing it.

LEGO Friends Polybag Set 30412

I am not a fan of the Friends line nor of the minidolls that come in them, but this little set has a bunch of goodness in it so I picked it up.

Come on two birds! A hotdog, bike and beverage. Any minifig would be set for an outing with this set.

A small picnic under a tree or on a park bench.

Overall a nice little build. Just wish it was a city theme and not Friends as this is a total waste of a minidoll for me.

I will keep the hair, but what to do with the rest of the weird figure?

Blobfest 2020: The Home Edition

For the last several years I have been attending Blobfest — a local festival celebrating the movie the Blob at the theater shown in the classic film. Each year I set up my LEGO MOCs of the Colonial Theatre featuring a minifigure run out, the Downingtown Diner and some other MOCs featuring bits from the movie including a brick built Blob.

This year due to COVID-19 they are having a stay at home edition of Blobfest. So I created a new digital MOC of the festival’s street fair using my theatre MOC and two LEGO modular sets (the brick bank and the new bookshop).

You can see the street vendors (food, collectibles, t-shirts), a car show, retro roadmaps camper, and a minifgure run out from the theatre and a smaller brick blob (can’t not have him).

Super excited that the folks at the Colonial and Blobfest liked this display enough to share it on Facebook and Instagram.

Part of the fun is that they are including us at home. Having an at home run out, costume contest, Miss Blobfest, and Blob Across America. I did a quick stop motion video with my sigfig for that.

Black Lives Matter Even in a Yellow World

We stand with the black community against racism and inequality

I could not be more proud to be a fan of LEGO than when I saw them step up and do the right thing in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. They did not just say they support the movement, they are backing that up with a sizable donation! Way to set the bar for other companies.

We stand with the black community against racism and inequality
We stand with the black community against racism and inequality
There is much to do
There is much to do
We will donate $4 million to organizations dedicated to supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality
We will donate $4 million to organizations dedicated to supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality

This was done the day after #BlackOutTuesday which I feel was the right move as many of the blackout Tuesday posts were disrupting valuable #BlackLivesMatter communications on social media that day.

But on Tuesday (June 2nd) LEGO affiliates were told to pull all police and firemen sets from their affiliate marketing.

Below is a copy of the email sent out to affiliate marketers on the Rakuten Advertising platform.

LEGO Email pulling police and firemen sets from marketing
LEGO Email about police sets
LEGO Removes sets from marketing

In light of recent events, LEGO has requested the below products to be removed from sites and any marketing ASAP. 

SKUProduct Name
60216Downtown Fire Brigade
60246Police Station
60233Donut Shop Opening
60210Sky Police Air Base
60215Fire Station
60217Fire Plane
60245Police Monster Truck Heist
60139Mobile Command Center
60244Police Helicopter Transport
60214Burger Bar Fire Rescue
60243Police Helicopter Chase
60208Sky Police Parachute Arrest
60231Fire Chief Response Truck
60248Fire Helicopter Rescue
60242Police Highway Arrest
60207Sky Police Drone Chase
60213Dock Side Fire
40372Police MF Accessory Set
60212Barbecue Burn Out
60241Police Dog Unit
60239Police Patrol Car
60206Sky Police Jet Patrol
60270Police Brick Box
60247Forest Fire
853919City Police Vest
854018Police Handcuffs & Badge
854005Duke DeTain Key Chain
21054The White House
10902Police Station
10900Police Bike
42091Police Pursuit

While I might understand the removal of these sets from marketing in this trying time, I do hope they return to normal marketing soon. I don’t even promote these city sets myself very often, but I feel that these are important sets to have since kids learn through play these will help them know and understand that policemen and firemen are not all bad. Their services are much needed and that children and the rest of the world can still count on these first responders in their time of need.

Another Addition to the Cemetery

As a fan of Poe (as seen by some of my MOCs) I follow a few Poe related pages on Facebook. The other day The Virtual Poe Toaster shared a photo of a really cool tombstone so I had to add it to my LEGO cemetery.

This is the grave of Dr. Betts in Trenton, NJ. He must have been a Poe fan as well.

More information at WeirdNJ website

Find a grave:

“Borrowed” from facebook.

New Gru. LEGO Minion Set 75549

Minions! Set # 75549 is only 136 pieces selling at $20. I do not feel $.15/pieceis a good deal. The @lego prices are going up and the piece count going down.

I was excited about this set, but honestly. It isn’t worth $20. New arms for the minions are cool. Used a regular minifig hand instead of the older version of these being all one piece.

Gru isn’t special at all. I think the face prints have been seen before and his hair is just Emmet’s in black.

The minions are okay. The goggles are part of the dome. The eyes are printed light bley round tiles ( you get one extra of each eye). Lower body is all one piece.

Charles Evans Cemetery

I already have a pretty large LEGO cemetery and nowhere to display it, but I am reworking it now to include monuments inspired by real cemeteries.

First up are a few from a local cemetery, the Charles Evans Cemetery in Reading, PA.

I started out with renders in Studio and I am now in the process of building them.

First images are the renders followed by the reference photos I used to create the MOCs.

Poe Toaster

The Poe memorial finally has its Poe toaster. Wish I had all the parts for him back in January in time for the actual toasting. Next year.

I will try and get him to Baltimore to toast at the actual monument this summer.