Comparison of Old LEGO Ghost with New

Comparing the ghost of old with the new ones. Not a fan of the new ghosts in the Haunted House set.

The old ones are just more ghost-like than the new ones. Plus GLOW-IN-THE-DARK. Hello?!

Hope this was just something they were trying out and will go back to the good ghosts or maybe a new sculpt for the sheet over a fig style.

Holiday Minifigure Habitats

Over on Instagram @BrickFamBuilds has a contest for #holidayhabitats.

Loads of people are building and sharing theirs. They are rather easy to construct but being able to contain your story to a small foot print is challenging.

You are building on an 8×8 plate which is reduced to a 7×7 area once you build the walls. (They are designed to be stacked or attached to each other. )

Here are my first two entries into the minifig habitats. Be kind these are the very first ones I have ever done.

First up we have Scrooge and the ghost of Christmas Future visiting his grave.

Then I did the Grouch that stole Christmas.

Head over to IG and check out #holidayhabitats for more of these fun little builds and maybe make some of your own.

Our LUG Dispay for Brickworld Halloween

Halloween 2020 would have been boring with this pandemic, but thanks to Brickworld and their virtual Halloween LEGO convention all was not lost.

SnailLUG pulled together and we were able to setup a nice monorail display for the event. Seeing and hearing from fellow AFOLs was great.

There will be another event this holiday season. Please join us. Check out Brickworld’s website for all the details.

Another Addition to the Cemetery

As a fan of Poe (as seen by some of my MOCs) I follow a few Poe related pages on Facebook. The other day The Virtual Poe Toaster shared a photo of a really cool tombstone so I had to add it to my LEGO cemetery.

This is the grave of Dr. Betts in Trenton, NJ. He must have been a Poe fan as well.

More information at WeirdNJ website

Find a grave:

“Borrowed” from facebook.

Charles Evans Cemetery

I already have a pretty large LEGO cemetery and nowhere to display it, but I am reworking it now to include monuments inspired by real cemeteries.

First up are a few from a local cemetery, the Charles Evans Cemetery in Reading, PA.

I started out with renders in Studio and I am now in the process of building them.

First images are the renders followed by the reference photos I used to create the MOCs.