LEGO Vidiyo Theme Review

Forgive this review I am trying to recreate it as I had an issue with posting it originally a month ago and am trying to remember all the finer points I made in it back then as the draft did not save. Basically, it boils done to the fact that the sets are way over priced for the amount of pieces you get in them.

LEGO Llama Vidiyo Set

You get only 70-80 some pieces in a $20 dollar set. The sets are comprised of a bunch a specialized parts that are reminiscent of the early 2000s when LEGO was getting crazy with all those special parts for Jack Stone and other themes. Most of these new parts won’t be usable in MOCs and are pretty much just huge Pods (also a points part in the LEGO system).

Clear Cover

When I first saw this piece I really could not see anyone ever using it for anything other than these DJ houses. Surprisingly some AFOLs have been using them as spaceship cockpits.

Other ideas I came up with were microscale bio-domes or green houses. What ideas can you come up with for the clear plastic covers from the Vidiyo sets?


The handle. This one I was sure no one could find another use for as there are NO in system connections (LEGO missed an opportunity to add studs on these like the did with the Dots bracelets.) I have recently seen a MOC or two that has indeed used these to my surprise.

Box to hold tiles

A little more System connections found. It will hold 16 of the beat bits tiles and a minifigure. But that is pointless because the figure requires its stand (see the bottom images) to play with it in the app. So I guess you could house a bunch of loose tiles in there instead.

Vidiyo Stage

This piece could have been brick built. Why make a new piece when you already have the parts to make this?

Plate rounded corners

Mario brought us a lot of rounded corners. Just some more. This is probably the most useful part in the lot.

Clips and domes

The larger domes are cool and snap right onto the white clips. But what else are we going to use those clips for?

Hinge Panels
Lid with Dots
Icecream Guy

The minifigures are fun as minifigures should be. Their cost is $5 which is what we pay for the CMF figures. They are now in a box so it makes it way to hard to find the ones you want. If I get one more stupid Ice cream dude I am going to scream. Yes, I know these are trading toys, but seriously do you know anyone that actually trades them? I don’t. If you know where I can trade them let me know.

Bunny DJ
Geni DJ
Llama DJ

The only way to get some of these figures and their fun accessories is to buy the overpriced big sets and that sucks.

I bought a few and at this point I am just going to wait until they hit clearance for any more.

Review of LEGO Set 43173 Aurora’s Roya Carriage

For those unfamiliar with her name, this is Sleeping Beauty. I don’t remember the story well enough to even know if she has a carriage in the movie. Guess that is what Disney+ is for.

Not being a fan of the “girls” line because LEGO has always been a gender neutral toy and those minidolls are hideous, sometimes I find myself picking up a Friends or Disney set despite that hatred because I find the parts interesting.

The gold parts, flowers, and the owl got me to pick up this $10 set. (Because I couldn’t get the owl on Brick and Pieces and did not want to py shipping for just the owl from a Bricklink seller. )

While most of my minidolls are languishing bald in a box somewhere, Aurora may stay intact. That is unless I find a use for her hair elsewhere.

I only wish the parts of the minidolls were more in system like a standard minifig. Her dress could be used for something else but the top connection doesn’t work with anything other than a minidoll torso.

So what is the reasoning LEGO has a small table, tea cup, and cake with a carriage set? I don’t know! Perhaps the owl is hungry?

Overall not a bad little set even with my personal objections to it.

I had to take the carriage out for a spin. Why not it is a magical, horseless carriage after all.

LEGO Gifts With Purchase Xmas 2020

This is just a small look at the GWP items from the last round of holiday offerings.

First we got the awesome Charles Dickens set over Black Friday weekend. (Review coming)

Then we got these three. Two of which were in store only.

The Frozen set was a gift with a $50 Frozen purchase. BB-8 was free with any Star Wars purchase over $40 and the Skater set was with any purchase over $150.

Awesome giveaways from LEGO. Individual reviews will be coming.

For those looking for awesome winter figures the skaters have nice sweaters on.

LEGO Polybag Train Set #30575

I have been enjoying some of the recent LEGO polybags.

I picked up this little train awhile ago, but saw that it is currently in Target stores again at checkout.

Lots of dark blue parts for your consideration.

It is of course a quick little build, but a great looking little engine.

LEGO Police Helicopter Polybag 30367

Picked up this little set the other day. While I feel LEGO has done the helicopter and car sets to death, this isn’t a bad little set.

Only 39 parts but for the most part they are just standard pieces to make up the helicopter. Unlike those larger sets with all the specialized bits.

The minifure is pretty nice. Although I don’t see him being much use outside a police force.

The 1×2 cheese slope is printed which is always nice. The cockpit/windshield also makes a nice little waterfall.

I can see this little set patrolling above any LEGO city. At only $4 worth grabbing it.

LEGO Friends Polybag Set 30412

I am not a fan of the Friends line nor of the minidolls that come in them, but this little set has a bunch of goodness in it so I picked it up.

Come on two birds! A hotdog, bike and beverage. Any minifig would be set for an outing with this set.

A small picnic under a tree or on a park bench.

Overall a nice little build. Just wish it was a city theme and not Friends as this is a total waste of a minidoll for me.

I will keep the hair, but what to do with the rest of the weird figure?

Black Lives Matter Even in a Yellow World

We stand with the black community against racism and inequality

I could not be more proud to be a fan of LEGO than when I saw them step up and do the right thing in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. They did not just say they support the movement, they are backing that up with a sizable donation! Way to set the bar for other companies.

We stand with the black community against racism and inequality
We stand with the black community against racism and inequality
There is much to do
There is much to do
We will donate $4 million to organizations dedicated to supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality
We will donate $4 million to organizations dedicated to supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality

This was done the day after #BlackOutTuesday which I feel was the right move as many of the blackout Tuesday posts were disrupting valuable #BlackLivesMatter communications on social media that day.

But on Tuesday (June 2nd) LEGO affiliates were told to pull all police and firemen sets from their affiliate marketing.

Below is a copy of the email sent out to affiliate marketers on the Rakuten Advertising platform.

LEGO Email pulling police and firemen sets from marketing
LEGO Email about police sets
LEGO Removes sets from marketing

In light of recent events, LEGO has requested the below products to be removed from sites and any marketing ASAP. 

SKUProduct Name
60216Downtown Fire Brigade
60246Police Station
60233Donut Shop Opening
60210Sky Police Air Base
60215Fire Station
60217Fire Plane
60245Police Monster Truck Heist
60139Mobile Command Center
60244Police Helicopter Transport
60214Burger Bar Fire Rescue
60243Police Helicopter Chase
60208Sky Police Parachute Arrest
60231Fire Chief Response Truck
60248Fire Helicopter Rescue
60242Police Highway Arrest
60207Sky Police Drone Chase
60213Dock Side Fire
40372Police MF Accessory Set
60212Barbecue Burn Out
60241Police Dog Unit
60239Police Patrol Car
60206Sky Police Jet Patrol
60270Police Brick Box
60247Forest Fire
853919City Police Vest
854018Police Handcuffs & Badge
854005Duke DeTain Key Chain
21054The White House
10902Police Station
10900Police Bike
42091Police Pursuit

While I might understand the removal of these sets from marketing in this trying time, I do hope they return to normal marketing soon. I don’t even promote these city sets myself very often, but I feel that these are important sets to have since kids learn through play these will help them know and understand that policemen and firemen are not all bad. Their services are much needed and that children and the rest of the world can still count on these first responders in their time of need.

New Gru. LEGO Minion Set 75549

Minions! Set # 75549 is only 136 pieces selling at $20. I do not feel $.15/pieceis a good deal. The @lego prices are going up and the piece count going down.

I was excited about this set, but honestly. It isn’t worth $20. New arms for the minions are cool. Used a regular minifig hand instead of the older version of these being all one piece.

Gru isn’t special at all. I think the face prints have been seen before and his hair is just Emmet’s in black.

The minions are okay. The goggles are part of the dome. The eyes are printed light bley round tiles ( you get one extra of each eye). Lower body is all one piece.

Kingdoms Mill Village Raid

I have been wanting this set forever. Just for the goats. LEGO needs to make more goats.

Bag 1 has all the wonderful animals in it. The grey horse, I believe, is also only in this set as well.

This was a fun build and rather easy. Monty Python’s Holy Grail kept running through my head.

I have the other village set too. Will be doing that one soon as well.

Biggest problem with this set was that every time I put a brown piece on the model instead of the classic LEGO click I heard a distinct crack and sizzle of the plastic cracking.

The 1×1 brown bricks were the worst followed closely by the plates (any size). See the close up image below.

Kingdoms Village Raid Bag 1
Kingdoms Village Raid Bag 1

Animals in bags
Animals in bags

Bag one done.
Bag one done.

Bag two windmill done.
Bag two windmill completed.

Back of the windmill
Back of the windmill.

Cracks in brown parts

Every brown brick cracked.

Bag three gives us half the barn.
Bag three gives us half the barn.

Bag four completes the barn.
Bag four completes the barn and the set.

Another goat shot
Another goat shot.

Obviously I like the goats the best.

Obviously I like the goats the best.