Shhhh No Politics Here

Personally, I try to avoid any political conflicts. Just bringing it up will either piss you off or get someone else butt hurt. So stay away from the topic altogether. Sometimes you can avoid it.

But I have to say I have been enjoying some of the political memes done in LEGO form. The latest such meme is the Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference held by Rudy Giuliani. Such an odd locaton which makes this so much fun to pick on.

Brothers Brick just shared this meme on Instagram and has apparently offended many an AFOL.

Of course this means a lot of fighting in the comments. But the one that got me was this comment by some who apparently cannot take a joke.

The best thing is that the person that says “Politics and LEGO don’t mix” seems to like to mix them themselves. Hypocritical much.

I find it only fitting that the minifigure head used for Giuliani in this MOC is none other than Lex Luthor himself.

If you are unaware, Luthor also was elected president of the good ole USofA. He was a great president. A terrific president. One of the best.